In the middle of nowhere

70DFCD6D-C9D9-4CD9-A1C7-DC49D57E130FThere is something about being in nature that gives you a greater perspective. I love it.

9E184FB0-CE9B-4C14-8D3C-946994471898Have you ever watched the sun rise and set in the same spot on the same day? I never even thought about it before until I was able to do it. It was almost as if as the sun was rising above the peaks of the desert, shining in my face, it was recharging me. Later that day when I faced the west and watched it go back down into the mountains, it was a full circle experience. I had never felt so calm or in touch with the earth as I did at that moment.

BE29D800-C95C-44C7-A839-F1301160A35FThis past weekend was spent climbing rocks, exploring hidden trails, chasing lizards, and having no where to be. We had no schedule, no one to report to, and were able to fully embrace life in the middle of no where.

042E4A47-5291-4549-BF4C-BC47687E5D2DJoshua Tree National Park is a true gem of America, and more people should go out and explore it. At the entrance to the park is Joshua Tree, the town. An eclectic, free spirited town where cowboys and hippies live in harmony, with one main road leading in and out of town. No big box stores, chains, or anything you would find driving down the road in suburbia. Every shop was small and funky, and every restaurant was family run and unique. There was barely any cell phone service in the town, zero in the park, and James and I didn’t mind one bit.

 We were able to escape the world, and do as the locals do.

8FD8F514-1BDB-4623-82F5-9418A90F3184If you can, visit and support national parks. They are absolutely beautiful, and a natural de-stressor! Not to mention some of the most amazing hikes and rock climbing. Get outside, leave your phone behind, and get in touch with the earth – we only have one!BE767DF3-EF50-4FF5-94C5-646352C052C3

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