Creatures of habit


Humans surely are creatures of habit. I know you’ve heard it before, but have you ever actually thought about it? Evaluated yourself?
I got on the bus this morning and sat down in my seat. By “my seat” I mean the seat I sit in every. single. morning. at 6:52 am. And I see the same 5 people sitting in their 5 seats. Even though the whole bus is open, I still chose the 4th row on the right by the window.
The best part is, everyone else does the same thing. The same people sit in the same seats every morning, and if some tourist hops on, they unknowingly throw off the whole bus.
Speaking of the bus, my morning commute is very laid back. At 7 am the only people riding the bus are either going to work or to school, so it doesn’t get crazy, ever. That is until a few days ago when someone on meth got on the bus. I only know this because after swinging on the bus handles like they were monkey bars, he screamed “I’m on meth” and tried to attack me because I wouldn’t hold his hand. You must be thinking, kelly this is not funny. Well you’re right, in the moment I cried and thanks to a stranger who was quick on his feet I was unharmed. But now that I look back at it it’s pretty funny, and I laugh telling the story, maybe because I feel safe now that my mom sent me pepper spray 🤷🏻‍♀️
The bus aside, yesterday I felt my first earthquake! There have been a bunch since I’ve lived here, but I’ve always been sleeping when they happen. Well yesterday a 5.3 hit off the coast and sent rumbles all around LA county. In my office on the 11th floor of downtown la, I felt like I was getting seasick. I had no idea it was an earthquake at that moment, but instead maybe I was dehydrated or was getting sick. Boy was I wrong! That was my building swaying back and forth, not my mind.
Yesterday’s quake was only good to fuel panic about “the big one” and when it may hit. SoCal is overdue for a large, destructive earthquake, so panic ensued when the ground started shaking.
In closing, happy Friday, do some self reflection of where in your life you’re a creature of habit, and fill your weekend with fun!
Until next time!

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